Saturday, October 27, 2007

making the most of it.

as fall comes fully in, everything around changes colors and then dies. my life on the other hands seems to be just beginning in so many ways.
i finally feel like i am confident of my purpose in being here, right now.
i am here to get to know my Lord and to spend time with my family. that's it.
as soon as i was willing to say that that is why i am here and to offer all others parts of my life (jobs, friends, place to live, etc) to the Lord, He has blessed me tremendously.
my time with the Lord has been sweet.
time with my family has been fun.
i have made some great friends through the camp i've been working at and have so enjoyed getting to know them lately.
i got offered a job at a gear shop that will last until february and starts as soon as my camp jobs end. how perfect is that.
i just want to make the most of my time here.
part of that is enjoying the last of the beautiful weather and chances to be outside having adventures.
this last week included a hike around the lake, lots of disc golfing, star gazing, and even a late night canoe ride around the lake. so fun. these are some of my favorite memories since i have been home.
thanks God for your beauty, for new friendships, for time with family, and for new beginnings or at least new perspectives on life.

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