Wednesday, October 31, 2007


i have had lots of firsts this week...

first time driving a stick shift car in a city with stop lights, and lots of them for that matter. i only stalled twice, not bad!

first cup of coffee. okay, i didn't drink the whole cup, but i drank parts of three different kinds of coffee.

first time for being stuffed in a duluth bag and carried around the house.

first time carving a pumpkin

i love firsts, they are always so much more enjoyable.

except for maybe first days of work. today was my first day of work at my new job and i just hate that feeling of not know people, and getting tons of directions and not really undestanding anything, and looking around knowing that there are things you should be doing, but not sure what to do. that's one first, i'm not a big fan of.

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