Wednesday, October 3, 2007

do you ever have trouble with worship songs?

last night i was at a worship service and we were singing the song, i think by shane and shane that goes like this...

You said "Ask and you will receive" Whatever you need
You Said "Pray and I'll hear from heaven and I'll heal your land"
You said, Your glory will fill the earth like water to seas
You said "Lift up your eyes the harvest is here the kingdom is near"
You said ask and I'll give the nations to you Oh Lord, thats the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see your lightas it rises on us

man, i wish i could enjoy and fully believe this song, but honestly i have a hard time! my faith is weak when i comes to believing that God will give us the nations if we only ask. i find myself looking at my family, whom i have been praying for... for a really long time, and they have yet to find the Lord. so how can i believe He will give me the nations if He won't even give me my family?

then again, maybe wrestling with the Lord about these things while everyone else is singing is more worship as it should be than i can ever give by simply singing words.

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