Thursday, October 18, 2007

the house i will build

lately i have been having this vision for a house that i want to build. this is weird first of all to have a vision of a house for me, secondly, its weird because why would i want to build a house, and where would i build this house? there really isn't anywhere i'd call home enough to build a house. but there are also very few visions that i have that don't end up happening. so whether it happens or not... here's what my house would be like.

simple to say the least.
a single square, made of stone... pretty stone.
basically a one room with the exception of a small bathroom and a walkin closet.
large windows on the east and west side... like the whole wall would basically be a window.
you'd enter from the east side and to your right would be a sitting area with a fouton that would magically become my bed at night.
to the left as you enter would be a stone fireplace and some comfy chairs for reading and drinking hot tea.
in the back left would be an L shaped counter with the kitchen behind it and stools along one side of the L for a place to sit and eat.
to the right of the back would be the small bathroom and the walkin closet where i could keep all my crap when friends come over.
that's it.
pretty simple.
but for some reason i really want to build it! i don't know how to build anything! but i want it :-)

maybe this vision is more of a metaphor than an actual house. hmmmm. i'll have to ponder that as i fall asleep.

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