Thursday, September 27, 2007

a cool picture

i was talking to a friend last night and he shared a story of something he had seen done at his chapel at college recently and i just thought it was a really cool picture, especially where i am at right now.
this guy walked onto the stage with a poster that had the title "my life plans" with a list of things underneath like... go to college, get married, get a job, make a difference, etc. on the bottom of the page was a big X with God's signature next to it. the only thing is that this was a forged signature. on the other side it said "God's plans for my life" and it was completely blank with an X on the bottom and the guys signature this time.
how true is that! how often do i make plans and put God's name on it. how often do i make decision in the name of the Lord's will when it really isn't. not that i think i do these things on purpose, but it is so easy to do! instead, we just need to realize that God has plans... often times that look very blank, but that if we sign our lives over to Him, we are much better off.
food for thought.

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